Formal & Informal Letters

Formal Letters

These are letters we write to people in their official positions.

Features of a formal letter

  1. Writer’s Address and Date: This is written at the top right hand corner. The date is written beneath the address.
  2. Receiver’s Address: This is written at the left hand corner beneath the writer’s address.
  3. Salutation: The acceptable salutation is Dear Sir or Dear Madam.
  4. Heading or Topic or Title: This is written below the salutation
  5. Introduction: This should be straight forward and precise
  6. Body of the letter: This should consist of at least three well developed paragraph.
  7. Conclusion: this should be done in a paragraph.
  8. Subscript (Complimentary close): The acceptable closing is ‘Yours faithfully’ followed by a comma.The signature is appended beneath the closing with the full name written below the signature.

Sample Question: Write a letter to the Commissioner of Education, informing him about the plan of your council to engage in the expansion of the only secondary school in your town and howthe council intends to implement its programme of aid to the school.


Baptist College,


P.O. Box 30,


Oyo State,

14th October, 2019


The Commissioner,

Ministry of Education,



Dear Sir,

Expansion Programme for Baptist College

Body of the Letter

Yours faithfully,


Adeyanjuu Adedayo

Informal Letters

These are the letters we write to people who are very familiar to us.

Features of an informal letter.

  1. Writer’s Address and Date
  2. Salutation
  3. Introduction
  4. Body of the letter
  5. Subscript

See also

Contrasting stress

Direct and Indirect Speech

Vocabulary: Latin Expression used in English

Speech Writing

Clauses | Definition, Types & Functions

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